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virtual assistants and online service providers

Ready to stop feeling stuck in a competitive market and step confidently into your role as a strategic & highly skilled Certified ADHD Support Specialist?

virtual assistants and online service providers

Ready to stop feeling stuck in a competitive market and step confidently into your role as a strategic & highly skilled CPD Certified ADHD Support Specialist?

You probably started your business with big dreams of what success and your life would look like:

Only to find you've been:

I see you

Dedicating your time, energy, and passion to helping your clients achieve their goals and thrive.

You’re their hidden champion, often working tirelessly behind the scenes to make a real difference in their lives. But it’s time for the world to see and recognise the incredible value you bring

It can be challenging to recognise the true value you bring to the table and just how indispensable your unique blend of skills, experiences, and empathy truly is. 

But service providers who’ve been around as long as I have, know that you’ve got what it takes to make a real difference.

I know that because I was you!

Asking yourself, ‘Am I really qualified to provide specialised support to clients with ADHD? 

How can I be seen as an authority in this niche? Can I really do this?’ 

It’s exhausting having that little voice on your shoulder telling you you can’t do it, when deep down you know you’re ready to immerse yourself in the world of ADHD support, where you won’t just assist your clients, but actively empower them to overcome challenges, thrive in their personal and professional lives, and achieve success on their own terms.

So, let’s silence the voice shall we?

Because it's time to start your journey to becoming an ADHD Support Specialist Superstar!

Lauren's Client

"Your onboarding was so ADHD-Friendly"

I’m so impressed by your whole system of onboarding me. I know that it was likely automated by it didn’t feel impersonal, it felt really, really clear and such ADHD friendly too!

— Lauren Smy

Here's the truth..

You’re probably already providing a level of service that goes far beyond the standard scope of what you offer. 

But you don’t realise the true extent of the extraordinary support you’re offering because it comes so naturally to you, given your genuine desire to help your clients succeed.

You might also have a somewhat limited view of the impact you can make in your clients’ lives and businesses. And that’s okay – we just need to expand that perspective!

Maybe you think your job is just about helping clients stay organised, managing their tasks, or post their social media content – which is undoubtedly crucial and the support they need – but that means you might overlook the bigger picture of how your unique skills, understanding and vision for your business can truly transform lives.

Let’s not even mention all the extra miles you’re going to support your clients with, constantly wondering if your dedication and hard work are truly appreciated… (spoiler alert: they are, but there’s a reason why you/they don’t see it… this will also help with that!)

enrol today

Become A Certified ADHD Support Specialist

Let me be the first to tell you, you can be an ADHD Support Specialist.

You can be the go-to expert in this niche! You just need the right knowledge, tools, and skillset to get you there.

Self-learning and informal education are valuable, but sometimes they’re like missing pieces in a puzzle. 

You might not even know what you’re missing when it comes to providing truly exceptional support to clients with ADHD!?

But a structured certification programme; well that’s like the whole picture – it covers all the essential aspects of ADHD support in-depth. 

And in-depth doesn’t have to mean years of your life studying or lost in the abyss.

Within just 12 weeks you can be a Certified ADHD Support Specialist.

Choose the payment plan

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4 monthly payments of


What happens when service providers try to serve ADHD clients without proper training...

kirsty's client

"I don't know what I'd do without you... "

… well I do – nothing! None of this would get done and I’d be stressing when it comes to delivery too!

— Kim Raine

This Certification Is For You If...


You’re a virtual assistant, podcast manager, social media manager, events manager, or other online service provider who wants to gain specialised knowledge and skills tailored to supporting ADHD business owners?


Do you want to transform lives (maybe including your own!) by developing the ability to provide effective support and make a real difference in the daily lives and business success of your clients?


Would you like to gain an advanced understanding of ADHD, its impact on productivity, organisation, and business management and become a sought-after specialist who can confidently say they specialise in ADHD support?

What You'll Get...

➡️ A comprehensive understanding of ADHD, its challenges, and how it impacts your clients’ personal and professional lives, enabling you to provide empathetic and effective support.

➡️ A wide array of strategies, techniques, and best practices specifically designed to help clients with ADHD thrive, from organisation and time management to productivity and goal-setting.

➡️ Learn how to create customised systems for organisation, time management, and productivity that cater to the unique needs and preferences of each client with ADHD, ensuring they receive the most effective support possible.

➡️ The skills to communicate effectively with clients, set clear boundaries, and manage expectations to prevent scope-creep, maintain a healthy work-life balance, and foster strong, long-lasting client relationships.

➡️ The confidence and credibility to position yourself as an authority in the niche of ADHD support, attracting your ideal clients, commanding premium rates for your services, and standing out in a competitive market.

➡️ The ability to develop a clear roadmap for growing your business as an ADHD Support Specialist VA, identifying opportunities for expansion, diversification, and making a meaningful impact in the lives of your clients.

➡️ Recognition as a CPD Certfied ADHD Support Specialist VA, setting you apart from others in the market, demonstrating your expertise and commitment to supporting clients with ADHD, and opening up new opportunities for growth and success in your career.

Unlimited access to the resource vault

bi-weekly Q&A Sessions

Private Facebook Community

Study at the pace that works for YOU

More Details

What Else Do You Need To Know?

Kirsty's Client

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

I feel like my world is changing and my vision feels so much more possible [with your personalised support]. I think you’re right, we have found the magic combination.

— Claire Tavernor

Bonuses (value (insert here)

Act fast and you maybe eligible for one or more of these incredible bonus offers.

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(First 10 to sign up)

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Sign Up Within 24 Hours Bonus

(sign up within 24 hours)

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The Bonus Three name goes here

(Sign up within 48 hours)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet conse ctetur adipiscing elit. Mauris eu gravida velit. Praesent urna justo. Sed iaculis dapibus risus.

Kind Words From Past Clients

"Highlight success stories of your students. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing vestibulum cursus, lorem sit amet viverra pulvinar tristique."

— Name Here

You'll Also Have Access To:


Monthly Q&A Call

You’ll have an opportunity to submit your questions as you are going through the programme – you don’t and shouldn’t have to wait until I’m live! For aslong as they’re questions, I’ll be live in the Facebook Community at least once a month.


Facebook Group Community

Join the team and your alumni course participants in a group exclusively for those going through the programme. Share tips, ask questions, agree collaborations – it’s where everything will be going down!


Workbooks and/or Checklists

As you go through the programme there’ll be workbooks and/or checklists to help you embed your learnings. Feel free to submit them to us for review – this is not a requirement of the certification but if you would like some feedback we’re here for you!

Choose the payment plan

The Investment To be Certified

One-time payment of


4 monthly payments of



Share success stories of your students

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam tincidunt lacus in tempor faucibus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer malesuada ullamcorper finibus. Etiam porttitor eros at.

— Name Here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam tincidunt lacus in tempor faucibus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer malesuada ullamcorper finibus. Etiam porttitor eros at.

— Name Here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam tincidunt lacus in tempor faucibus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer malesuada ullamcorper finibus. Etiam porttitor eros at.

— Name Here

Feeling like you're already juggling too much in your current role to even think about diving into something new like specialising?

Here’s a little not so secret secret: specialising doesn’t mean piling more on your plate. It’s more about seasoning what you already do with some extra knowledge and skills.

You’re not starting from scratch or shifting careers. You’re just adding a new layer to your current role.

Our training is designed to be flexible and manageable, fitting into your hectic schedule rather than disrupting it. We’re talking bite-sized learning chunks, practical tips, and real-life applications that you can weave into your day-to-day work.

Here’s what happens when you buy

Enroll Now

Click to sign up today and we’ll start onboarding you towards being a certified ADHD Support Specialist.

Receive an email

You’ll get the login details and links to everywhere you need to in the week of the 17th June 2024.

Get access to the training

You’ll get access on the 24th June 2024 to the first module with each module released weekly thereafter.

Imagine a world where ...

Imagine what it would feel like to ...

Well, imagine no more… because by completing this certification, all of this gets to be your reality!

Meet your coach

Hello, I'm Kirsty Holden

And I’ve been where you are – and got all the t-shirts to match!

As an experienced OBM and seasoned Online Business Strategist with over 20 years experience in operations, I’ve heavily worn the shoes of a service provider for what feels like FOREVER. So I get it. 

I understand what it takes to navigate yourself successfully through this intricate field, refine your knowledge and skillset, and secure long-term clients who are a joy to work with. 

I also know what our clients need. What level of support they’re getting (or not getting from others!) and the challenges they have in finding reliable, skilled service providers who truly understand them! 

You deserve a life and career that’s balanced, fulfilling, and bloody brilliant just as much as them…

.. but us neurodivergent folk need YOU and I want you to have the confidence AND skills to go help them!

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Join Us

Sign Up Today


You've got questions? We have answers!

This is a self-study program, not a live one. While it will not have a fixed start date in the future, the first round of beta testing will begin on June 24, 2024 – that’s when module 1 will be released.

Yes for the lifetime of the company.

Errrrm yes! And do you want to know something… there’s not enough of us to go around!

Hence why I created this certification.. to create more people like me!

Ok so you don’t need to be certified to work with some who has ADHD – there I said it!

But let me tell you, those who are ADHD are sick of working with people who don’t understand the way their brains work!

ADHDers are LOOKING for people who understand them. They are LOOKING for people who can adapt to their needs, show empathy and offer patience and understanding. And a certification gives you the confidence AND credibility to say – ‘I am that person!’

Ideally you need to be already in business to really take advantage of what this certification will give you. If you’re brand new to the virtual assistant world with no clients there will be an alternative programme that follows on from Kirsty’s FREE course “a Beginners Guide To Being A Virtual Assistant” due out in the Autumn.

Each module is released weekly. It’s designed for you to study when is convenient for you. There’s nothing live, you don’t need to be online at a certain time – you can work on it from your bed!

Each module is timed so you can see how much time you will need to complete it before you get started. 


The programme is designed so you WILL get through it. 

Each video/training is broken down – it’s not one long 90 minute training it’s given to you in sections to 1) help you to process and also 2) the management of your time!

While no one can guarantee specific outcomes, as they depend on various factors such as your individual effort and other business strategies, we can confidently that this certification will make you money.

You have 6 months from the date of enrollment to submit all the required materials for your assessment. If you complete the course and submit your work after this 6-month period, please be aware that there may be an additional administrative fee charged for late submission and assessment of your work. If you haven’t passed the assessment within 12 months you may need to take the course again to be certified. 

Each module will have a workbook to support you through each lesson.

Each lesson will have a video (with captions) and the option to read through the training if you’d prefer.

Get in touch

Don’t see your question in the FAQ’s?

Or if you’re still on the fence, I’d love the opportunity to connect with you and answer some of your burning questions about the ADHD Support Specialist Certification Programme. Feel free to drop me an email.